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- Install and start in one command line
- Limited dependencies: Docker, Perl (and Linux).
- Easy to maintain (auto-update by command line arguments)
- Modular and extensible (public and custom modules)
- Flexible (enable/disable modules, switch to local or alternative versions)
- Highly customizable (config, data sources, CMS features with themes, modules)
- Open source and (always) free
- Advanced user experience through integrated CMS (Drupal)
- Persistent data (backups, data releases)
- Data import/export and mapping from (almost) any sources (files, DB, REST)
- Easy to integrate to existing systems (data can be accessed "in place")
- REST services (standards and customs easy to setup)
- FAIR-oriented (metadata integration, ontologies, export tools and UI items)
- User and permission management interface (with access restrictions)
- Facilitate collaboration (REST services, user access, data comment support)
- Supported (based on community-supported elements like Docker and Drupal)